Queen Marie Walker

1942's Queen of the May, Marie Walker was crowned by her Consort, Nolan Yonk.

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Mendon May Day— 1942Mendon May Queen, Marie Walker and her Consort Nolan Yonk.

Mendon Awaits May Festival— With all preparations complete, Mendon awaits its annual May Day festival to be held Saturday. A maypole dance and crowning of the queen, Miss Marie Walker, at 10:00 a.m. will start the day’s activities. This will be followed by a program. In the afternoon a dance will be held for children and a softball game staged between Morning Milk and Mendon teams. After a picture show in the evening, a public dance will conclude the festival. The public is invited to join Mendon in the day’s events.

Mendon Holds Traditional May Day Ceremonies— Marie Walker, fourteen year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker, was today crowned queen of Mendon’s May Day celebration in ceremonies which are traditional with the west Cache community. The crown was placed on her head by Nolan Yonk her consort and son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Yonk. The queen’s maids were LaRee Richards, Laura Anderson, Delores Larsen, Donna Larsen, Dorothy Hiibner, Lille Mae Baker, Shirley Cunningham, Lucille Peterson, Adelle Heninger and Livinia Bird. Their consorts were Harvey Gibbs, Alvin Kidman, Ross Shelton, Donald Muir, Boyd Muir, Owen Kidman, Fred Hardman and Don Smith. Attendants to the queen were Constance Sorensen and [Eddis] Dal Muir. A large crowd attended the celebration, despite inclement weather. Crowning of the queen and staging of the maypole dance was done in the recreation hall. Twenty youngsters danced the maypole dance. The program was presented in the chapel, with superintendent of Sunday schools, Reeves Bird in charge. The numbers included addresses by Mayor Vance D. Walker, Bishop Edgar S. Hancock and Joseph N. Sorensen; story by Annie Hughes; piano duet, Mozelle Sorensen and Geneva Barrett; vocal sole, Ross Bartlett; musical reading, Mrs. O. J. Barrett; piano solo, Virginia Wood; vocal selection, Bessie May Muir, Beverly Hardman and Carma Whitney. A children’s dance was held in the afternoon, with the colorful May Day Ball coming this evening.