Mendon May Day— 1916
Planting Beets In Mendon Fields, Mendon, May 1st— The weather for a week has been favorable for the farmers in this locality. The sugar beet planting is being pushed as rapidly as possible, there will be a larger acreage than usual and we hope for a good crop. A few days warm weather last week gave everything a good start. Winter wheat looks fine, and all spring planting cereals are starting nicely. Indications are already good for a bounteous hay crop owing to an abundant water supply. Our May Day celebration will be held on Saturday, the 13th. Miss Rhoda Sorensen will be the queen, with Master Theo Whitney as consort. The program in full for the days festivities will be printed in another issue of the Journal. Mr. Eddis Watkins and David Muir who have charge of the amusements and sports, are working hard for a big day, and will soon have all arrangements completed. The work on the new O. L. & I. depot [Ogden Logan & Idaho Railroad Co., located at 95 North Main, Mendon] is progressing fine. The building will no doubt be completed inside the specified time. No one will regret having an agent in Mendon. Mr. Copen, Mr. George Hiibner and Nephi C. Sorensen have been putting considerable labor on their places this spring, fencing, making lawns, cutting unsightly trees and having a general renovating. This has given their homes a greatly improved appearance. People in our city are generally taking an increased interest in the appearance of their homes and surroundings. The city fathers are taking steps to increase their water supply for home, barn and lawn use. Another system will be installed to supply the southeast residents of town. Mr. Peter A. and George N. Sorensen have returned from Salt Lake to pursue their farming operations here. They have a large acreage of beets and hay to care for. Cruger Paul is track walker for the Ogden Logan & Idaho Railroad Companies. Mr. Paul walks eighteen miles a day and is picking up in flesh. The two railroads employ all the men they can secure in town to labor on their tracks. No one need be idle that wants work.
Mendon To Hold Great Festival, Mendon, May 8th— Program for May Day celebration to be held Friday, May the 12th, Hyde Park Band in attendance; May queen, Miss Rhoda Sorensen; Consort, Master Theo Whitney; Maids and attendants, Mona Bird, Ethel Shelton, Mable Ladle, Grace Muir, Ivan Bird, Clifford Ahrens, Oriel Larsen, Juanita Buist. The people are invited to gather on the public square at 9:30 a.m. First selection, Hyde Park Band. Led by the band the entire company will march to the home of her majesty the queen and escort her and her company to the ward grove, where the following numbers of the program will be rendered: Selection, Hyde Park Band. Crowning of the May queen. Song, “Maying,” ward choir. The balance of the mornings program will be rendered in the ward assembly hall. Song, ward choir. Prayer by chaplain, Eddis Watkins. Selection, Hyde Park Band. Vocal solo, Retta Walker. Reading, Herbert B. Whitney. Ladies’ quartet. Speech, Linden K. Wood. Violin duet, Clifford C. Watkins, Alonzo K. Wood. Papers, “May Day,” Jennie Richards. Male quartet. Vocal solo. Closing and dinner. Afternoon and Evening— At one-thirty, children’s dance in amusement hall. At three o’clock band concert at the conclusion of the concert there will be a baseball game. “Mendon vs. Paradise” which promises to be a very exciting contest. The balance of the afternoon will be devoted to races and concerts of different kinds in which both young and old are invited to take part. Beginning at eight o’clock there will be an exhibition of basketball, this game will be played in the amusement hall, between the local and visiting team, lovers of this sport will no doubt be entertained. A dance will conclude the days festivities. The Hyde Park Band will furnish the music for the children’s dance in the afternoon as well as the grand ball in the evening. Come one and all, lay your work aside, and enjoy the celebration of springs return. Committees: Program, Sunday school officers. Maypole dance, Annie L. Hughes, Gladys Hughes, Marvel Hancock. Amusements and dances, Eddis Watkins, David Muir. Decoration, Selma Hancock, chairman, Monta Hancock, Vera Willie, Orpha Larsen, Clella Ladle, Reins Bird, Elmer Paul, Linden K. Wood, Clyde Copen and Ivied Larsen. The promoters of the oil businesses are planning a day of celebration in Mendon some work has been done at the plant; so far the results have been very satisfactory. All kinds of spring planting is nearly completed, now the farmers are asking for a shower to start the crops out right. The grading on the state road to Wellsville has been in progress for some time and is nearly completed, this piece of highway will be greatly improved by this work. There has been considerable grading done on the county road to Logan and the work is still in progress. No piece of road in the county was more in need of repairs than this one, there is some system to the present method of road building and it looks like this much discussed question of good roads, has in part at least been solved. A representative of the Utah Light and Power Company was in town last week, his business was to induce us to take lights and power from his company for our city. He met with some of the city authorities and gave to them the terms on which the company will install lights here conducting the current from Wellsville. If we are united and will all do our portion, we can undoubtedly meet the prices named, although they seem high for so small a place.