Trees In Mendon
Mendon was settled in the fall of 1858.
Apple trees in Mendon were started in 1859 by Charles Bird, the second Mayor in Mendon. He purchased seed of various kinds of apples in Salt Lake City, and started a seedbed, from which the following year 1860, he set out a young apple orchard.
The varieties that seemed to thrive best in this locality, and endured for many years were: Winter Pearmain, Red Astricum, Strawberry, Golden Sweet and Transparent.
In 1864 many of the settlers started seedbeds for apples and blue plums, but Joseph Baker was the first to hit upon a plan by which fruit trees could be make to produce. Into his young trees he grafted buds that he had bought from Salt Lake City, where he had attended April Conference.
Following 1864, emigrants from England and Germany brought fruit and shade trees with them and planted them in the settlement to add to the variety already here. Emil Stumpf from Germany kept his seedbed of European stock for many years, and George Goatman from England was a leading nurseryman in Cache County for many years.
In 1870 Albert Baker and Ole Sonne planted Black Locust seedlings in front of their homes. W. M. Longstroth and Emil Stumpf set out long rows of Popular trees.
Native trees on the hills and mountains west of Mendon are: White Fur, Green Ash, Box Elder, Maple, Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Cotton Wood, Quaking Aspen, Chokeberry, Serviceberry, and some others of the shrub type.1