1935 Yellow Brick School
A view of the newly completed Mendon yellow brick school house, looking from the south-east corner of the town square. Featuring a new central heating system, using coal as fuel, this modern marvel also had a gym with a large stage on the south end of the west side and a nice lunch room in the basement. The Mendon School was torn down on Monday, October 7, 1991. The vote to do so was by a majority of approximately 8 persons, or depending on who you ask, less than eight votes. In the summer of 1994 the hole left by the school was filled in with large gravel and rocks. No work on the purposed replacement for the school (new city building) has yet begun some 18 years later. In the spring of 1998 some dirt was being hauled in to cover the rock fill and a small basketball court and batting cage now sit on or near this spot. What a loss to the community this building was. And for all of the promises — we have nothing to show for it. Except for the mayor, the other members of this city council have all left town now. If you let people run your government, that are not from your town, this is what you get.
I have included a copy of the minutes of the City Council meetings that addressed this issue. There are others in the book as well if you care to read up on this a little more. I wonder if anyone can find the money that was raised for this supposed new city building? Thank goodness the old U.I.C. station was taken on by Paul Willie and restored, before the wrecking ball gets the last of our historical Mendon buildings.
Mendon City Council Meeting Minutes
1- Dennis Obray moved to accept the results of the election, which is the demolition of the city building and the construction of a new city building. Ross Bartlett seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
2- Steve Hatch moved to award the bid of demolition to Cove Sand and Gravel and allow them to proceed. Dennis Obray seconded. Motion carried. Steve Hatch reported the demolition will begin on September 30th, 1991.
3- John Carter brought up, what he felt, was a non-negotiable stand by the city. The council repeated that the people had spoken and that a decision had been made and that at earlier public meetings ample opportunities were given for the side to save the building to take over the building and restore it themselves. But from the meetings no one wanted to take over the building without the financial backing of the city. Mr. Carter had not attended the public meetings and was speaking without understanding the facts.
Valerie Larsen also complained about the election results.
Irma Moon asked why the building had to be torn down. Nola Murray explained why the city felt they couldn't afford the current city building.
4- The disposition of items in the building was discussed by the council. Steve Hatch moved to declare all unwanted materials within the city building, plus the city tractor, lawn mower, chairs, benches, etc. as surplus property. Ross Bartlett seconded. Motion carried. A city surplus property sale will be held Saturday at the city building.1
Mendon City Council Meeting Minutes
3- Kurt Allen, from Cove Sand and Gravel gave a brief report on the demolition of the city building. Kurt reported that during demolition he found the building to be structurally unsound. Kurt felt it was a wise decision by the council to have the building demolished. To show his appreciation and support for the city, Kurt presented a check to the Mayor from Cove Sand and Gravel for $500.00 to be used toward the building of our new community center. Mayor Earl Doolittle accepted the check with the city’s thanks.2
2- Mendon City Council Meeting, October 21, 1991, Line Item 3