Queen Lucile Larsen

1921's Queen of the May, Lucile Larsen was crowned by her Concort.

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Mendon May Day— 1921

Mendon Will Hold Annual May Day Celebration Saturday, May 17th— Mendon will hold its annual May Day celebration on Saturday, May 21st. The program in the morning will commence at ten o’clock. The first will be the crowning of the queen, Miss Lucile Larsen, followed by the maypole dance by twenty four little girls. Assembly in the meetinghouse where an appropriate program will be rendered. In the afternoon there will be a children’s dance, followed by races of various kinds— foot races, bicycle and horse races, also a baseball game and demonstrations by the Boy Scouts and Beehive Girls. The band will be in attendance all day. The day’s festivities will close with a dance at night. Music will be furnished by the Mendon Band and Mendon Band Jazz.