Mendon School

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Schools Days In Mendon —

About 1901, according to Marvel Hancock (Bartlett), she attended school in the old red schoolhouse. She says my first teacher was Emma Baker (Sorensen) of Petersboro. Every morning we had exercises. Then she would put A, B, C, D, E letters on our desks and we would have to put corn on them. That is the way we learned the alphabet.

Next teacher was Rachel Parker (Sorensen) of Wellsville. We had singing practice every morning, then recite our lessons and practice writing. When I got into the next grade, Jennie Richards was the teacher. There were so many kiddies they could only go one-half day. I started to go to the Presbyterian Church school when I was in the third grade. Clara Huber (Larsen) was the teacher. We sang every morning, then had our Bible class, then our lessons for the day. I didn’t go there very long as mothers people objected to me going to a Presbyterian Church school.

Eva Williamson was my next teacher. She was from Wellsville. We all remember her because of the big “red nose.” She taught us some new songs. Once in a while the old songs, but she said the old songs were in the past. She was a teacher that liked you to memorize all the poems in the book, such as “The Village Blacksmith,” Barefoot Boy With Cheeks of Tan” and many others. She knew how to keep you busy. Then Emer Richards of Mendon became teacher in the “middle room.” We of course went through our lessons, sang. Then out of a clear blue sky our pot bellied stove would blow up and explode and the chimney would fall down. Such a mess, soot all over the room. We would leave and come back the next day. This happened about every week for while until they found out what was causing the trouble. A few of our young boys had to explain at the court that was held.

Peter Larsen was my fifth grade teacher as near as I can remember. He liked to sing, so we had singing practice every morning. One of his favorite songs was “Camping Tonight On The Old Camp Ground.” We went through our class work. He also had to hold court, over some misdemeanor once in a while. Next in line was Herbert H. Thompson of Clarkston, Utah. He was a very good teacher. In his room, the “big room” sixth, seventh and eights grades, there was a piano, so every morning we sang. I could play a little so I used to play for the boys and girls to sing, also for them to march out of the room, when school was out. Of course we had all our studies to do besides.

Charles E. Embley was the next teacher in the “big room.” He was from Price, Utah. He wanted to be a little different from the other teachers. You had to march just right and sing just right; if you didn’t march like soldiers you were put in the “awkward squad” marching group. Those who didn’t help with the music by singing and if you could play the piano and wouldn’t play, would be put in the marching group until you did help. He had another marching group who performed with broomsticks both boys and girls took part in that, but you had to be just right. He took us to perform for Logan schools. When we took the tests for graduation from the eighth grade, we took them at Nibley Hall at Logan. You had to be up to par or you didn’t graduate. Everything had to be done the best we could do. The next year Embley went to Hyrum School. Here is a list of the ones who were in Embley’s school when I graduated. Melvina Baker; Vera Larsen; May Baker; Dottie Hill; Olive Sorensen; Maggie Muir; Hazel Muir; Nellie Bartlett; Chauncy Sorensen; Jay Whitney; Jesse Walker; Lynn Longstroth and Verl Shelton.

— Marvel Hancock Bartlett